Stay connected from home or wherever with these Activities, Podcasts, Bibliographies, and Videos.
Collective Learning in Practice (CLIP) is the successor to the institution’s successful Work-Learn Project initiated in 2018 and consists of four editions to date. CLIP’s participants are given the opportunity to study art issues and work with our team to make our institution more publicly accessible. Each CLIP edition provides its 10-14 participants with the tools, skills, and inspiration to grow as individuals, decision-makers, and professionals. The unique curriculum includes twelve meetings held over a six-month study period.
We offer tours for groups and individual visitors. Groups planning a visit to the institution are encouraged to make an appointment with one of our Art Mediators for a guided tour or introduction to our exhibitions.
Activities inspired by artworks, recently or currently exhibited in our galleries. These activities can be made by people young and old at home, whether alone or in company of others.
From exhibition walkthroughs to interviews and recordings of online public programming.
It seems everyone and everything has a name, and that every name comes with a story.
We celebrated our institution’s 30th anniversary in 2020 by launching an awards program. This new annual awards program especially recognizes people whose image-making, craft, and advocacy has been central for the creation, presentation, and appreciation of contemporary art. Our three new awards are added to an already existing award, the Prize for Young Dutch Art Criticism.
Thematic reading lists originally created for the BOOK events at MELLY.
Kunstinstituut Melly’s Archive focuses on our institution’s exhibition history and activities from 1990 to the present. On the website, you can find information about our activities from 1990 to 2020, when our institution was named Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art.
Our institutional renaming from Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art to Kunstinstituut Melly came into effect on 27 January 2021.