Kunstinstituut Melly's Book Market: Free Books with Every Ticket!

Live Book Tickets

Discover Hidden Treasures at Our Street-Level Galleries — First Week of June!

As we are re-organizing our archive of books and publications to create space, we would like to invite you to come over to Kunstinstituut Melly and pick anything you want to add to your bookshelves. For free!

The only requirement to enter the Book Market is to buy an entrance ticket for Kunstinstituut Melly. This ticket also gives you access to visit our current exhibitions My Oma, Bewaard and KIJK.

Over the years, our library has grown exponentially. Our diverse collection reflects a wide range of topics and interests, providing a rich resource for anyone passionate about contemporary art and culture. However, to make room for new additions and to better organize our space, we have decided to offer a selection of these books to our visitors for free.

You can find the large number of books we have now selected on our ground floor during the first week of June. We are open from Wednesday through Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm, and on Friday during de Kunstavond until 9 pm. After these days, the Book Market will be gone, so be certain not to miss it!

