TOUR DI IDIOMA: Papiamentu / LANGUAGE TOUR: Papiamentu

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Esaki ta un yamada na tur amante di arte ku ta papia papiamentu! Esaki ta bo chèns pa eksperensia Taal Tours na Papiamentu. E siguiente tour na papiamentu ku ta forma parti di nos programa di primavera(lente) lo tuma luga riba djabièrnè 24 di mei, 7or di anochi durante di Kunstavond! Join nos mediadó di arte Sabrina Schoop riba un biahe artístiko ku lo ta full na papiamentu. Sabrina lo ta bo guia durante bo eksplorashon di e eksposishonnan My Oma i Bewaard.

Mirando e wela komo un momentu krusial den tempu, e figura mayor di mama ta introdusí diferente tipo nan di konosementu pa nos eksplorá. E konosementu aki ta inkluí kosnan transmití di generashon pa generashon, manera reliquianan i receta familiar pero tambe ideanan mas abstrakto manera kompara bida ku e fluho di un riu òf krea historianan den nos imaginashon. Ku My Oma nos ke komprondé kiko e figura di wela aki ta representa i kon e ta pas den e diskushonnan tokante di nos patrimonio kultural i historia familiar.

Den e eksposishon aki na Kunstinstituut Melly, nos lo presentá tantu obra di arte nobo krea pa e okashon aki komo obra di arte importante realisá for di aña 2000 te ku awor. Tin kuater pregunta investigativo ku ta prinsipal pa e eksposishon i eventonan relashoná. E preguntanan aki ta yuda nos disidí kua artista i obra di arte nos por inkluí den e eksposishon i determina e temanan ku nos lo eksplorá durante e tour.

E ròl di Taal Tours den konekshon ku e eksposishon My Oma ta hopi relevante, konsiderando e enfoque riba inmigrashon i e demografia di Rotterdam ku kada bes ta bira mas i mas diverso. Mas ku 170 nashonalidat ta forma e suidat (poblashon). Hulandes, Ingles, Turko i Papiamentu ta e idiomanan prinsipal di nos suidat.


Calling all Papiamentu-speaking art enthusiasts! You can now join Taal Tours in the Papiamentu language. Our next Papiamentu tour for the spring program of Melly is happening on Friday 24 May at 7 pm during the Kunstavond! Join us on an artful journey led by our Papiamentu-speaking art mediator Sabrina Schoop. Sabrina will be your guide as you explore our current exhibitions: My Oma and Bewaard.

My Oma

By looking at the grandmother as a crucial figure in time, she introduces different types of knowledge for us to explore, translated in many different stories and shapes. This knowledge is passed down through generations, like family heirlooms and recipes, as well as more abstract ideas like comparing life to the flow of a river or creating stories in our imagination. With My Oma, we want to understand what this grandmother figure can represent and how she fits into discussions about different cultural heritage and family stories.

In the exhibition, both new artworks created for this occasion and important artworks made from 2000 until today are present. My Oma and its related events are organized around four main research questions. These questions help us decide which artists and artworks to include in the exhibition and determine the themes we'll explore during the tour.


Sijben Rosa (they/them) is a Dutch artist interested in how creating objects and choreographing situations around them can foster social connection. Bewaard (Kept) is the outcome of Sijben’s months-long, community-oriented commission. For this, they collaborated with four people in The Netherlands whose sense of mortality is heightened due to aging or illness.

This tour is part of our Taal Tour program. For My Oma, Taal Tours offer is especially relevant considering the focus on immigration and the increasingly diverse demographic of Rotterdam. The city’s population exists out of more than 170 nationalities and Dutch, English, Turkish, and Papiamentu are the primary languages of our city.

