Given the multiple and complex intersections between education and the theme, Morality promises to open up an unprecedented and exciting space for a wider and even more amorphous public than usually addressed by contemporary art. This web platform is vital for the production and expansion of the different levels of discourse that Morality intends to provoke.
Alongside contributions from Witte de With’s staff and invited guests, the audience is encouraged to bring content into the project (through texts, images, video) and to react to other contributions. The web platform also presents developments and results of education projects as well as artistic processes and discussions prior to the performance cycle, film program and symposium, with the intention to stimulate an intense interaction with our audiences.
The web platform explores the potential of engaging directly with our visitors, and aims at integrating a range of levels and forms of engagement for a diversity of audiences, from discourse to simple observation. That is why five categories of users are distinguished based on their level of engagement: