The Particiturbation Room

Prepare to leave your stable self and ways of creating meaning at the door in order to gain access to an exclusive lounge at Witte de With, where performers will force clubbers to contort their identities, behaviour, and use of language.

Conceived of by artist Michael Portnoy on the occasion of his new production, Relational Stalinism – The Musical running at Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art from 28 January to 6 March 2016.

During Museumnacht010 at Witte de With you are also invited to two other exhibitions: GesammttkkunnsttMeshuggahhLaandtttt by Charlemagne Palestine on the second floor and the yearlong series Para | Fictions with the first edition Foreword by Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff on the ground floor.

All museums in Rotterdam are open from 8 pm to 1 am during Museumnacht010. Check the complete program on the website, and book your tickets here.


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